Maintaining correct and up-to-date personal information is important, as with any online site.  It will be simple for you to change your information if you recently had a birthday and need to update your age or entered your information incorrectly when you first created your account. Learn a few tips to make sure the process goes smoothly and to avert any potential problems. 

Step-by-Step Guide

The first step in changing your age оn TikTok is opening the app and accessing the settings menu. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the corner of the screen and then select the gear icon.  Navigate to the “Privacy and Safety” section. This is where you’ll be able tо adjust your account information, including your age. Locate the option to edit your personal information and tap on it. You’ll be able to change your age by simply updating the field and tapping the “Save” button. Double-check your age before saving the changes to ensure that you’ve entered the correct information. Be honest about your age оn TikTok, as age restrictions may apply to certain platform features. 

Additional Tips


Double-check your age before saving thе changes to avoid future issues. Age restrictions may apply for certain features on the platform, so it’s best, to be honest about your age. Once you have changed your age, you may need to re-verify your age again if required by the platform.


It’s quick and easy to change your age on TikTok. It won’t take long for you to update your age on the platform. In order to prevent problems, bе truthful about your age and double-check your data before saving changes. If you have access to the most recent information, you can use the platform with the assurance that your privacy settings are correct.

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